Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Vegan Diaries, Day 29: Vegan Wear

After making all these posts this month, I forgot to mention one other critical piece of the vegan puzzle: wearing the proper clothing. This is one area where I have gone astray and fallen off the vegan wagon several times. Just like the food you eat, your clothing is not supposed to be made up of any animal products. Hence, all leather and silk is bad. And you can't wear any of those beaver pelts you have stashed away in the closet, either. Sorry.

Clothing was just one of those things I didn't think much of this month. All my brain power was devoted towards the food portion of veganism, and I totally didn't stop to think that it carried over into things that are non-edible. Besides, if I hadn't worn a leather belt all this month, my pants would have fallen off, which would've been a real tragedy for everyone. In a strange way, veganism actually FORCED me to wear a belt and to support the leather industry. I was stuck in a vegan Catch-22.

Today, I honestly tried to make up for my lapses into leatherism. I started out not wearing a belt and went around barefoot throughout the house. But then I received a call from Obama headquarters to get my butt down to the street corner to hold signs and wave at motorists passing by because the local television crew was stopping by to film us (must be a slow news day in Chico). And it was drizzling outside, and I didn't want to get my running shoes wet. So... I went back to wearing my leather boots.

I know, I know. I'm not a worthy vegan. I should be wearing hemp everything and spend my entire existence looking like a bum. There's nothing stylish about being a vegan, which is not a great selling point if you really want to recruit new folks.

This vegan lifestyle is way too complicated. Maybe I'll just give up on clothing altogether and sit around my house naked. Oh, wait now... I just realized that the recliner I'm sitting in is made of leather as well.

Dang it.

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